We had another fun Family Home Evening at church with the missionaries, some members, and some investigators. We took turns reading from the Book of Mormon. I read my scripture in Spanish, believe it or not. Everyone clapped for me even though I know it wasn't very good. For the activity we played "Minute to Win It". We had to put an Oreo on our forehead and try to get it in our mouths without using our hands. It was hard! A couple people were pretty good at it. We all laughed a lot.
I had an experience that showed me the Lord is in our lives and aware of what we are doing and what is going on. A couple of missionaries came into the office inquiring if we had a Korean Book of Mormon. I looked in the cabinet where we have some Book of Mormons in other languages besides English and Spanish. There was not a Korean one, so I ordered a couple. I noticed what a mess that cabinet was and decided to organize it and label the Book of Mormons with what language they are. I also found a bunch of pamphlets
in other languages. Just as I was about to finish the project and close the cabinet, some other elders came in to check on a name badge. Elder Chamberlain saw what I was doing and got so excited to see the Hindi Book of Mormons. He said there are quite a few Hindi people in Wasco where they are serving. They had just talked to one the day before. So they took three Hindi Book of Mormons and a stack of Hindi pamphlets. Pretty cool how that all worked out!
FYI we have the following languages of Book of Mormons on hand: Abdiel, Arabic, Armenian, Afrikaans, Cambodian, Chinese, French, German, Hiligaynon, Hindi, Indonesian, Igbo, Marshallese, Maya, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Russian, Samoan, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Tongan, Ukrainian, Yoruba, and Vietnamese.
James had a "tender mercy". His lawyer friend, Richard Olona, called to tell him he was about to be sued. It just so happened that Richard works for a big asphalt company as their lawyer. He was asked to sue Pak-One, LLC for an unpaid bill. So he called to tell James he was about to file a lawsuit against our company. After researching the situation, James found out it was for some asphalt work done at two of his Wendy's parking lots after he sold the business. David See, the new owner, said they had paid it. However, that company subcontracted it to another company and never passed on the payment to them. Thankfully, it got sorted out. What are the odds the lawyer who was going to sue was Richard. The Lord does know what is going on in our lives and blesses us.
Speaking of blessings, we were promised in our setting apart blessings from President Lyman that our family would be blessed because of our sacrifice and service of serving a mission. We were wondering if you, our family, have seen blessings in your lives or the lives of your families this past year that could be attributed to our promise. Please let us know.
Speaking of blessings, we were promised in our setting apart blessings from President Lyman that our family would be blessed because of our sacrifice and service of serving a mission. We were wondering if you, our family, have seen blessings in your lives or the lives of your families this past year that could be attributed to our promise. Please let us know.
We attended the Los Angeles Temple with six missionaries who will be departing in a couple of weeks. Sister Harmon was suppose to come with the group also, but she was sick and stayed in Bakersfield. In our chapel session a counselor in the temple presidency spoke to us. He said that on most tombstones the birth date and death date are separated by a dash. That dash represents our life on earth. Even though that dash is just a flash in the eternities, how we live our lives here is very important and will determine our destiny. He said the Lord has prepared many mansions in heaven. (John 14:2, D&C 76:111, Ether 12:32) We are preparing where our own mansion will be by the service and sacrifice we do on this earth and by the covenants and ordinances we make and keep.